Product development, design thinking, design research, user testing, consumer electronics, rapid prototyping, UX design, Adobe Creative Suite, communication, leadership
Enable female runners to feel safe from sexual harassment and physical harm while running in public spaces
We started this process by conducting empathy interviews with female runners to better understand the problem of mid-run harassment.
We elicited stories and emotions by asking “tell me about a time when…” and “why?”
Next, we made a survey and sent it to all of the collegiate athletes from Lehigh University’s Women’s Varsity teams in order to gain a greater quantity of information. We received 123 responses.
We then prototyped our first product: an armband with a safety alarm.
We learned both from speaking to runners and from our survey, that many runners do not like armbands, and many don’t even run with their phones.
Runners also prefer to run with as few things as possible, so a less bulky solution would be a much better fit.
Many female runners wear performance watches. We used this new information, combined with user feedback, to pivot.
We couldn’t verify that a safety alarm would be more effective than screaming. The purpose of the device is not to make runners feel safe, but to be safe. Also, a 120dB alarm might harm to the runner’s ears.
Our first two concepts focused on physical safety and the fear of physical harm. Neither of these solutions addresses verbal harassment specifically, so we pivoted to a solution that does.
While one runner we spoke to suggested a very similar idea unprompted, many others were adverse because they do not run with their phones.
It is a reactive, not proactive solution, and it also relies upon the notion that harassers are stationary or tend to go to the same places. What would prevent harassers from having access to the app? And what would prevent bias in reporting? It was time to reevaluate our approach.
We realized that as a team, Jess and I are both builders, makers. So, we zoned in on creating a physical product given everything we’d learned.
We know mace or pepper spray is a product that makes runners feel safer, but one that they forget to bring. Our latest iteration takes advantage of products runners always bring- shoes and sports bras- and integrate pepper spray into those products.
The End!
I decided to wrap up this project. Thank you for joining me on this journey!